Heather Boerner

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Diet and Nutrition

Freelance health writer Heather Boerner writes about lifestyle changes, new approaches to food and eating, nutrition, food addiction and food and relationships, among others. Find what you’re looking for faster searching the site.

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“Go with Your Gut: From GI distress to allergies, probiotics may help ease your health problems”
Yoga Journal, 09.08
Through her childhood and adolescence Jamie Koonce suffered from allergies and migraine attacks. By the time she was in her early 20s, the migraines had gone, but her maladies now included insomnia, stomach pain and depression.
Then, four years ago, Koonce made some changes in her life. She started doing vinyasa yoga daily and taking Chinese herbs for general health. But she found that the most profound improvements in her well-being came from the few nights of kimchi she began eating before meals and the fermented kombucha tea she drank daily. To her surprise, not only did her stomach cramps disappear but she almost immediately had more energy and felt her mood lighten. She began sleeping through the night and awoke feeling refreshed.
The secret behind Koonce’s miracle recovery? The probiotics, or beneficial bacteria, that are prevalent in foods such as kimchi, yogurt, kefir and aged cheese. Koonce had stumbled upon what medical systems such as traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) and Ayurveda have found, and what Western medicine through science is now beginning to accept: A shortage of “good” bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract can affect nearly every system in the body, from your respiratory system to your digestion. And some scientists are discovering that replenishing the levels of certain beneficial strains of these bacteria may alleviate long-standing conditions whose roots have evaded diagnosis.
Read the full article here.
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“Overeating on the Job: Watch out for snack platters and food pushers”
Yahoo! Hot Jobs, 12.07
Between coworker birthday cakes, shared holiday-party leftovers, staff meetings with Danishes, and pizza-fueled late-night work sessions, it's easy to blow your diet while on the job. But it doesn't have to be.
"People are most successful in healthy eating when they can control their environment, as opposed to being in a negative environment and trying to control themselves," says nutritionist Katherine Tallmadge, author of "Diet Simple."
Read the full article here.
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“Eat Taste, Feel: Teaching your kids (and yourself) the ABCs of mindful eating.”
Alternative Medicine Magazine, 01.07
Finishing her vegetables is the least of Tina Daniel’s problems. An adventurous eater, Daniel loves everything from brussel sprouts to sushi to corn chips. But she also loves lots of all that food, and that worries her mother, Angie.
“As a baby, she would eat until she threw up if I let her. She doesn’t recognize feelings of fullness,” Angie says. “As she's getting older, she’s really conscious of how different she looks from other girls and is comparing herself to them. She's starting to get upset.”
Download a PDF of this article here.

“Push Back! Derail Food Pushers and Eat What You Want”
Ikana Media, 03.06
Article available upon request

“Quick Comebacks for Food Pushers”
Ikana Media, 03.06
Article available upon request

“Changes that Stick: How to Revise Your Diet & Keep the Weight Off Forever”
Ikana Media, 03.06
Article available upon request

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